Updated Review For High-Risk Payment Processor PayOp!

PayOp is a high-risk payment processor operated through Transferop Payment Gateway Ltd, a money service business registered with FINTRAC Canada, and Fintech Decision Pte. Ltd, registered with MAS in Singapore. We last discovered PayOp as a payment processor in the Binarium broker scam (report here). According to the latest Similarweb statistics, PayOp receives the most traffic from websites in high-risk industries. Here is our updated review!

PayOp is a high-risk payment processor operated through Transferop Payment Gateway Ltd, a money service business registered with FINTRAC Canada, and Fintech Decision Pte. Ltd, registered with MAS in Singapore. We last discovered PayOp as a payment processor in the Binarium broker scam (report here). According to the latest Similarweb statistics, PayOp receives most of its traffic from websites in high-risk industries. Here is our updated review!

Key Data

Trading namePayOp
Business activityHigh-risk payment Processor and
merchant service provider
Social mediaLinkedIn
Legal entityTransferop Payment Gateway Ltd, Canada
Fintech Decision Pte. Ltd, Singapore
JurisdictionsUkraine, Canada
AuthorizationFINTRAC Canada with registration number #M22769088
MAS Singapore
Related individualsDenys Myloserdov (LinkedIn)
Andrey Pastuhov
Anastasia Semenkova (LinkedIn)
Irina Borkun (LinkedIn)
Andrew Gorishnyakov (LinkedIn)
Payrate42 ratingOrange (PayOp profile)

Short Narrative

Most of the employees connected to PayOp on LinkedIn are based in Ukraine. Director General Denys Myloserdov is a Ukrainian living in Singapore. Andrey Pastuhov is the company’s strategic advisor. PayOp, according to our information, has close cooperation with the FCA-regulated (and also Ukrainian-controlled) high-risk payment processor PayDo (reports here).

The Traffic Analysis

Similarweb statistics for high-risk payment processor PayOp
Referral traffic of PayOp website

In November 2022, more than 330,000 people visited the website, a decline of almost 38% compared to September 2022 (report here). and spent more than 3 minutes doing their business.

More than two-thirds of PayOp‘s referral traffic comes from websites operating in high-risk industries such as casinos, sports betting sites, or digital goods trading platforms, according to Similarweb. One of the customers is likely to be 22Bet.com, which is operated by Cyprus-registered TechSolutions (CY) Group Limited as a billing agent.

We have not received any complaints about PayOp. On Trustpilot, the payment processor holds a 3.9-star rating with a corresponding “Great” trust level.

Share Information

We would like to know more about PayOp and its activities. If you have any information about them, please share it with us through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.


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